Your Privacy Is Important To Us
In fact it is very important to us. We will never trade, lease or sell your name or e-mail address information.
We will contact you ONLY if your order information is incomplete.
Our only contact with our clients is in the form of email.
We do not offer phone support.
Our Phone number at the top of this website is a call center line for taking new orders only. The call center staff are not allowed to give out any details regarding your order or any other clients order already processed in the system due to security and client privacy protection measures. The only way for you to inquire about your order is via our contact us page.
Credit card charges will appear on your statement as "SecureonlineShoppingCart" or "SOSCart".
SecureOnlineShoppingCart is the parent company that processes all of our order information through Securenetshop's secure shopping cart services. The Secure Credit Card Ordering domain is shown as during the checkout process.
Using state-of-the-art encryption security technology, your online order is secure. When you place your order, you will be taken to our secure server prior to being asked for your credit card number or PayPal email address. We use an address verification system to compare your billing address to your credit card on file with your bank. Please note that unless these match, we cannot process your order and your order will not be shipped. Our policy is to error on the side of caution when it comes to your credit card security.
We have offices located in both the United States and Canada and work with law enforcement on both sides of the border to help charge anyone involved in fraudulent credit card activity online.
For more information regarding our Terms & Conditions direct from Secureonlineshoppingcart then please click here.