Shipping: Tracking for domestic orders should be provided within 3-5 days after ordering (not including holidays and weekends). Orders to the lower 48 states should arrive within 5-7 business days after tracking has been issued however it can take up to 10-14 business days depending on USPS. International orders can take 10-31 days on average, sometimes longer depending on Canada Customs which is out of our control.
We kindly ask for extreme patience but rest assured your package will be delivered.
Call Center:
Due to the popularity of Enhancerx™, our call volume is high and typically results in a 10-15 minute wait or will send you directly to voicemail on the busiest days so we kindly ask that you attempt email contact first. *We have also been hit by a robot calls which has pinged our phone line every 5 seconds adding to the difficulty in getting through to an agent. We have law enforcement actively working on the case. Please note that we do not phone our clients, even when requested in voice mail due to privacy concerns and the nature of the product. Contacting us via Email is always best.
Email Support: Open 24/7
Email response times are still within a few hours on average - to a maximum of 24 hours on weekends and holidays. We strongly suggest that you contact us via email instead of phone so that we can have one of our many email agents answer your questions in a timely manner. We, as should you prefer to have a written record of all communication.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Most of our emails contain external links (ebook and tracking) and as a result they may be sent to spam. Email providers such as AOL,, Icloud, Sbcglobal, Comcast, Yahoo and now even some Gmail accounts are not receiving our emails based on personal email settings. If you email us and DO NOT receive a response within 24 hours then check your spam or junk folder because we have responded. WE RESPOND TO ALL EMAILS. If you email us a second or third time then we will try responding via a private email server to see if that gets through.
We thank you for your patience.
Enhancerx™ Customer Service Management
Contact info
If you have any questions about our product line or your order then please contact us via email at
We respond to all emails in the order to which they are received. Typical email response time is 1-24 hours. WE RESPOND TO ALL EMAILS!!! If you email us and do not get a response then check your spam or junk folders. If you email us more than once and it appears that you are not receiving our emails then we will email you from a private email server to try to establish communication.
Phone Order Line Only:
Available: 9am-3pm Mon-Fri,
(Pacific Time Zone).
Billing handled by SecureOnlineShoppingCart.
*If you are requesting information regarding a current order then please email us, (do not leave a message) so we can have an email log or record 0f communication. *For privacy concerns we do not have outgoing call support or call display and we do not save phone numbers in the system.
Current Status:
Billing systems are operating in real time. Shipping systems are 100% automated.
If you find an error or issue with your order then please do let us know right away and we will of course track it down and reship at our expense if necessary. We do not refund orders which are in transit or those which have already been submitted to the fulfillment center since we cannot physically pull them back.
Receiving Department
807 Airport Access Rd. Unit D
Traverse city, MI 49686
Telephone: +1 800 598 5621